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City of Wollongong

Towradgi Creek Catchment

The Towradgi Creek Catchment area includes Tarrawanna, Corrimal, East Corrimal and Towradgi.

Map of Towradgi Creek Catchment  PDF, 725.27 KB

The Northern Area Floodplain Committee provides advice to Council about issues in the Towradgi Creek Catchment area.

A Flood Study for this catchment was completed in 2003. This was followed by a review of the flood study in 2015 and 2019.

A Floodplain Risk Management Study and Floodplain Risk Management Plan for this catchment was also completed in 2003.

More recently, a Flood Study, Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan has been completed and adopted by Council in June 2023.

The Towradgi Creek Flood Study, Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan was prepared in accordance with the NSW Government’s Floodplain Development Manual (2005) and the Australian Rainfall and Runoff 2019 (ARR 2019).

You can read the latest study and older studies in the Documents section of this page.

All of the above studies have been jointly funded by Council and the NSW Government.

Railway Street Debris Control Structure

We installed a debris control structure and finished channel works on North Corrimal Creek, immediately upstream (on the western side) of the culverts near Memorial Drive and Railway Street.

Colgong Crescent Footbridge

We replaced the footbridge over Towradgi Creek between Colgong Cresent, Towradgi, and Linga Street, East Corrimal. The new bridge is higher to improve the flow of water and reduce the amount of debris trapped under the bridge.

Tarrawanna Flood Mitigation Work

We’ve finished multiple works in Tarrawanna to improve water flow and reduce blockages from debris. These works included:

  • Culvert improvements in Justine Avenue
  • Cutting an opening in the wall at the rear of 2 Bellambi Street to reduce the likelihood of damage from floods
  • Creating a low earth mound at Cheryl Place to direct floodwater away from houses.

Lemrac Avenue Flood Mitigation Works

These works to reduce the impact of floodwaters along Lemrac Avenue south of the intersection with Willow Grove, Corrimal, included:

  • Installing flood-proof walls on the boundaries of several properties to limit damage by water and debris
  • Installing a debris trap and reshaping the creek
  • Installing a trash rack at the inlet of the Lemrac Avenue culvert to reduce the chance of blockages.

Voluntary Purchase

Nine properties in this catchment were earmarked for a voluntary purchase scheme. Four of these properties on Pioneer Road, Towradgi, and one on Willow Grove, Corrimal, have already been purchased and cleared by Council.

You can help our research and planning for floods in this catchment by sharing your past experiences.

If you have photos or other information about flooding on your property, please contact us.

You can view the current Towradgi Creek Flood Study, Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan and other older documents for this catchment on the NSW Flood Data Portal.

Current documents

Superseded documents