Foxes are found in most parts of Wollongong, including urban areas.
They scavenge for food, spread weeds and disease, and attack other animals like chickens, ducks, small dogs and wildlife.
Foxes are very difficult to control and are very common in our area. Because of how hard it is to reduce wild fox numbers, and because of our focus on wild deer, Council does not currently have an active fox control program.
Foxes are often found in urban areas, where we can’t use baits or other control methods because of the risk to pets.
In rural areas fox baiting can be effective if large numbers of properties work together to maintain baiting programs. Contact South East Local Land Services or your local Landcare group if you think your rural property would benefit from a program like this.
We track reports from the public of fox activity, and share this information with other government agencies. This information could also be used in future to inform new programs to control foxes if opportunities arise.
These are a few simple things you can do to try and discourage foxes from visiting your property:
- Don’t leave pet food outside overnight
- Make sure garbage, skip and compost bins are tightly closed
- If you have chickens or other poultry, check the Department of Primary Industries’ tips on how to fox-proof enclosures.
- Remove weeds such as lantana and blackberry. These can provide cover for foxes.
- Block entry points to drains and underneath buildings with mesh or wire.
- Remove fruit from under garden trees and on lower branches.
- Let us know if you’re seeing an increase in foxes so we can track where they’re active. This could help shape future control programs if the opportunity comes up.
- You can also report fox sightings through the FeralScan program.
- Sustainable Living
- Trees and Plants
Floods and Stormwater
- Allans Creek Catchment
- Brooks Creek Catchment
- Collins Creek Catchment
- Duck Creek Catchment
- Fairy and Cabbage Tree Creeks Catchment
- Hewitts Creek Catchment
- Kully Bay Catchment
- Lake Illawarra Catchment
- Minnegang Creek Catchment
- Mullet Creek Catchment
- Northern Suburbs Catchment
- Towradgi Creek Catchment
- Wollongong City Catchment
- Stormwater Pollution
- Creek Maintenance
- Stormwater Maintenance
- Coast and Waterways
- Climate Action
- Natural Areas
- Native Animals
- Pest Animals
- Environmental Education