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City of Wollongong

Wood Heaters

Burning wood to stay warm in winter can save you gas and electricity, but it’s important you take steps to reduce your fire’s impact on the environment.

Wood heaters can only be used indoors. In outdoor areas, only gas or coal burning heaters are allowed.

You need to get Council’s permission by making an Activity Application before you install a wood heater in your house. A fee must be paid when you apply (see below).

You will also need to provide a to-scale floor plan showing the position of the wood heater, and specifications of the heater you want to install.

Apply online

Use the NSW Planning Portal to apply for approval to install a wood heater.

The button below will take you to the NSW Planning Portal to submit an application.

You will be asked to log in or create an account to get started.

For help using the NSW Planning Portal, please see the Support Hub.

If you have any questions about wood heaters, you can call us on (02) 4227 7111.

We also encourage you to visit the NSW EPA's website for advice on wood heaters.

Wood heater application fees

Fee NameFee Name GSTGST Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST)
Fee NameInstallation of Wood Heater GSTN Fee incl. GST$415.00

Smoke from wood heaters can be a hazard for people inside your home, your neighbours and the environment.

Some ways you can reduce smoke pollution from your heater include:

  • Maintain a bright flame and don’t let your fire smoulder
  • Increase the air supply if your chimney is smoking
  • Burn only dry, aged hardwood. Fresh cut wood should be stored for at least 8-12 months before it is burned.
  • Store wood in a dry, covered area that’s well ventilated.
  • Never burn treated wood, painted wood, driftwood or rubbish
  • Use several small logs rather than one large log, and stack them loosely
  • When lighting a cold heater, use lots of dry kindling
  • Have your chimney cleaned every year to keep air flowing well.

If you have questions about efficient ways of reducing wood smoke, you can call us on (02) 4227 7111 or visit the NSW EPA's website.

You can report problems caused by smoke from a neighbour’s wood heater to Council as an air pollution issue.

Call us on (02) 4227 7111 during business hours, or use the button below.