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City of Wollongong

Collins Creek Catchment

The Collins Creek Catchment area covers 14 square kilometres between Bellambi and Bulli.

Map of Collins Creek Catchment  PDF, 659.64 KB

The Northern Area Floodplain Committee provides advice to Council about issues in the Collins Creek Catchment area.

A Flood Study for this catchment was completed in 2011. This was followed by a Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan in 2014, jointly funded by Council and the NSW Government.

When Council's Conduit Blockage Policy was updated in 2016, a review of the Flood Study was undertaken to take into account this Policy and recent development in the area.

The revised Flood Study (2019) provides the most up-to-date information on flooding for the catchment.

You can also read the 2014 Risk Management Study and Plan and the now-superseded 2011 Flood Study.

Ursula Road Scheme, Bulli

Council is currently investigating a number of flood mitigation measures in the Ursula Road area, including:

  • A flood deflection levee on the northern bank of Whartons Creek, immediately upstream of Franklin Avenue.
  • Upgrade the existing Franklin Avenue culverts and improve the waterway area for the downstream channel
  • Local drainage improvements along Ursula Road/Trinity Row.

We will talk with the community about this investigation when draft concepts have been developed.

Kells Crescent Drainage Upgrade

We’ve started investigating options to reduce flood waters affecting residential properties.

Debris Control Structures

We’ve finished concept plans for four debris control structures. These will help floodwaters drain more effectively and reduce risk to public and private property. Planned locations for the debris control structures are Gordon Hutton Park, Russell Vale Golf Course, Albert Street and Brompton Road.

West Street Detention Basin

In 2017 we started making plans for a new detention basin to reduce the impact of flooding downstream of West Street, Russell Vale. This is expected to be built on land owned by Wollongong Coal Limited.

Bellambi Gully Scheme

We’ve started on plans to reduce floodwater affecting residential properties between the railway line and Gladstone Street, Bellambi. This includes:

  • Channel improvement works between the railway line and Holy Spirit College
  • Upgrading culverts at Pioneer Road and Gladstone Street.

Voluntary Purchase Scheme

We’ve bought and cleared one property in this catchment under a Voluntary Purchase Scheme. One more property is earmarked to be purchased if the opportunity comes up in future.

You can help our research and planning for floods in this catchment by sharing your past experiences.

If you have photos or other information about flooding on your property, please contact us.