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City of Wollongong

Minnegang Creek Catchment

The Minnegang Creek Catchment is in the Lake Heights area.

Map of Minnegang Creek Catchment  PDF, 449.84 KB

The Southern Area Floodplain Committee provides advice to Council about issues in the Minnegang Creek Catchment area.

A Flood Study for this catchment was completed in 2002. This was followed by a Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan in 2004. These studies were jointly funded by Council and the NSW Government.

You can read the studies for this catchment in the Documents section of this page.

Barina Park work

We’ve made detailed designs to build a basin spillway and provide a path for water to flow downstream of the Barina Park detention basin.

We need to buy and clear all of the properties flagged for voluntary purchase before we can do this work.

Voluntary Purchase

Six properties in this catchment were earmarked for a voluntary purchase scheme. We’ve bought and cleared two of those properties. Future voluntary purchases will depend on funding from the NSW and Australian governments.

You can help our research and planning for floods in this catchment by sharing your past experiences.

If you have photos or other information about flooding on your property, please contact us.