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City of Wollongong

Energy and Water

Save money and help the environment by using energy and water sustainably around your home.

Visit the NSW Government’s Energy Saver website to learn how you can reduce your energy use.

Solar Panels

In most cases you can add solar panels to your home as exempt development, which means you don’t need Council's permission. See the NSW Planning Portal for details.

It’s important that you do your research and only use a licensed builder or electrician. Check the Department of Fair Trading’s website for a checklist of things you need to consider when getting solar panels installed.

Making some small adjustments around your home, and building good habits, can save lots of water.

The Office of Environment and Heritage has some great tips to help you be more water efficient.

Rainwater Tanks

Rainwater tanks collect water from your roof so it can be used for watering gardens, flushing toilets, washing clothes or topping up swimming pools.

Installing rainwater tanks can usually be done as exempt development, which means you don’t need to get Council’s permission if you follow certain guidelines. See the NSW Planning Portal for details.

Burning wood to stay warm in winter can save you gas and electricity, but it’s important you take steps to reduce your fire’s environmental impact.

See our wood heaters page for more information.

You can also visit our Electrify Wollongong pages to learn more about making your home more energy efficient.