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City of Wollongong

Downloads, Guides and Templates

Event organisers are welcome to use the examples below to help plan activities that are accessible and inclusive.

Disability Inclusive Event Checklist

Download our checklist in your preferred format to help you track the minimum requirements and best practice steps to make your event more accessible and inclusive.

Quiet Space Guide

See our Quiet Space Guide for tips on creating and area for people who may experience sensory overload in noisy, busy environments.

Social Story

A Social Story is a brief description of the event and activities which include specific information about what to expect and why.

See the 'Information and services' section of our Disability Access Guide for some examples of Social Stories used for Council activities.

You can also download our Social Story template DOTX, 84.94 KB and adapt it to your own event.

Wording for your promotional material

Event organisers are encouraged to include information on their printed and digital promotional material to let people know how to find out about accessibility at their event. Here is some sample wording you can consider:

We are committed to making [event] a safe, inclusive, and enjoyable event for everyone. For more information about accessibility for [event], visit [URL of access page on the events website] or call [phone number].

For general information about [event] visit, [URL of the event page].

Sample Accessibility Registration Form

An Accessibility Registration Form can help you understand and plan ahead to meet the access needs of people interested in your event.

See our Sample Accessibility Registration Form page for suggested text which you can adapt for your activity.