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City of Wollongong

Thirroul Beach Reserve

This location next to Thirroul Beach is perfect for community festivals, an arts market or for surf carnivals.  It's able to host events from the very small to medium-sized, welcoming thousands.

Event genres

Community and arts-based activations and markets.

Site features

CapacityUp to 15,000, depending on event layout
Toilet available onsite Yes
Accessible toiletsYes
Power available Yes
Event DADA-2020/615


Sunday to Thursday:

  • Activity from 7am to 11pm
  • All amplified noise to cease by 10pm
  • All event activities to end, and all people to vacate the site by 11pm.

Friday and Saturday:

  • Activity from 7am to midnight
  • All amplified noise to cease by 11pm
  • All event activities to end, and all people to vacate the site by midnight.

More information

For more information or to ask about booking this site, please use the button below.

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