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City of Wollongong


Outdoor fireworks are only allowed for public community events. They are not permitted for private events like weddings or parties.

If you want to hold a fireworks display, you will need to follow the guidelines set by SafeWork NSW, and advise Council at least five working days in advance.

Council can apply conditions to your fireworks display, or even object to it going ahead.

How to notify Council

To advise Council about fireworks, email our Events team and attach the following information:

  • An Event Overview. This must include the venue, date, time, associated event, indoor or outdoor, type and duration of fireworks proposed, and firing location.
  • A copy of your Public Liability Insurance for $20 million, noting Wollongong City Council as an interested party.
  • A copy of the Pyrotechnic Licence.
  • Licensee details, including name, licence number, mobile number, email, company name, street address, and ABN.
  • A copy of SafeWork NSW Notification / Approval of Pyrotechnic Display.
  • A Site Plan for outdoors fireworks.
  • A Risk Assessment for larger outdoor events on land owned or managed by Council.